Recent content by Katzuhiki

  1. K

    What can happen if you sell alcohol to a minor

    You should not engage in those activities in the first place. I hope everything goes well for you.
  2. K

    Do you have a quota?

    I've also been interested in this. Are there daily quotas set for police officers? Some seem very desperate to give tickets to innocent civilians.
  3. K


    Hello! Welcome to the Forums! I also enjoy listening to different sides of stories - whether it be opinions or personal perspectives, I welcome both!
  4. K


    Hey there! You're from Croatia? Nice to see a new member from a different place of the world sometimes! :)
  5. K


    Hey there! Welcome to the Forums! :) Enjoy your stay with the community!
  6. K

    Hi there!

    Hello! Welcome to the Forums, Heyshiloh! It's great that you are a Criminal Justice student! I wish you luck in your career and I hope you enjoy your stay here with this wonderful community! Cheers!
  7. K


    Hello! Welcome to the Forums, helaofthenorns! I hope you enjoy your stay here with this wonderful community! Cheers!
  8. K

    What law would you change?

    I would change the whole deal with the ticket system. Cops sometimes have quotas... And they give tickets for no/subtle reasons.
  9. K

    Is there a height requirement for cops?

    Not necessarily. I think it's based on strength and skill wise rather than height restriction/limit. I remember seeing a cop that was around 4-5ft and she was damn strong.
  10. K

    If you could cure a disease/ailment, what would it be?

    I would go for curing ALS and cancer! Those two seem to be very popular.
  11. K

    Your dream job?

    My dream job is to become an anime producer! I want to bring anime to my fans.
  12. K

    When do you plan on retiring?

    I plan on retiring when I hit the lottery or maybe around 65.
  13. K

    Read any good books lately?

    I have also read To Kill a Mockingbird. That book is amazing!
  14. K

    Would you date a senior citizen?

    If you like them, then why not? Dating and love relationships does not include age! Go forward!
  15. K

    What are your opinions on the ice bucket challenge?

    I don't know... I mean, people in California are not even alllowed to waste water. Why should everyone else do so?