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  1. babyleans

    What is your earliest memory?

    Hi guys, how far back can you remember? What is your earliest memory. My earliest memory is when i was suckling my moms breasts at 3 years old.
  2. babyleans

    What is the least favorite thing about this week?

    The least favourite thing about this week for me, is Robin William's death. What is the least favorite thing about this week for you?
  3. babyleans

    why do most people like dogs more than cats?

    I was just wondering why everytime a family talks about getting an animal, it's always a dog and not a cat? Don't people like cats? I really love cats!
  4. babyleans

    If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live?

    If i could live anywhere i wanted, i would probably live in a rich neighbourhood in Cheshire, England. Where would you want to live?
  5. babyleans

    What is your least favorite part of your day?

    Personally i really hate the afternoon. It looks so ugly because of the sun. I don't know if that makes sense. What's your least favourite part of you're day and why?
  6. babyleans

    At what age would you consider someone to be old?

    When i asked my mother what her age was for the first time ever, she told me she was 40 so from then on, i've always unconsciously/unintentionally considered 40 to be old because the person would be old enough to be my mother, get it? But i think maybe 60 is old.
  7. babyleans

    Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?

    Hollywood always makes fun of the smart kids in school and portrays them to be unfashionable and weird. When i was a kid i was pretty smart and i always wanted to be the cool kid but looking back i'd rather be the smartest kid in school.
  8. babyleans

    What is the first thing you do in the morning?

    The first thing i do when i wake up is to pick up the remote and switch on the telly and then go make some coffee. Afterwards i just pick up my laptop and begin work.
  9. babyleans

    How do you like your eggs cooked?

    How's everyone doing? How do you like your eggs? Personally i love them scrambled. I usually cook it like an omlette but then scramble it. So delicious.
  10. babyleans

    Who do you have on your speed dial?

    Hi people, who do you have on you speed dial? Personally i have my mum, dad and best friend on my speed dial.
  11. babyleans

    what would you change about your past?

    hello guys, if you could change one thing about your past, what would it be? personally i would change the highschool i went to.
  12. babyleans

    how did you meet your significant other?

    Hi guys, i'm single at the moment but i'm curious to know how you met your significant other. Describe under what kind of circumstances it was.
  13. babyleans

    Would you rather go to jail for a year or live in your car for a year?

    Hello people, as it says in the title, which one do you think is better? would you rather go to jail for a year or live in your car for the same time period? personally i would rather live in my car for a year.