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  1. js85

    What "minor" laws do you break?

    I speed... and sometimes I throw garbage in my recycling bin if my garbage bin is too full. Is that illegal? I don't even know..
  2. js85

    How to behave at traffic stops in the US?

    I've only been pulled over twice (speeding, and my front plate not being mounted but it was in my windshield which the police officer saw afterwards), and both times I've remained calm. I was taught to never move or reach for anything until the police officer approached my vehicle. I didn't grab...
  3. js85

    What is your favorite social network?

    Facebook addiction is a pretty big problem when it interferes with your real relationships. People in those situations feel that they aren't worth connecting to if you can replace them with a social network, or that you're looking for other people to connect with instead of the person next to...
  4. js85

    Do you get paranoid writing on forums?

    The easy answer to this is to not open up too much. I don't tell anybody anything publicly online that I wouldn't say to a stranger in polite conversation. :) I've been part of forums that I knew the people IRL, but even then I don't post private information - I'd reserve that for a PM or...
  5. js85

    Fire/smoke training

    Recently, the law enforcement and firefighters in my area have been training at an abandoned building. They've been conducting thermal imaging training and white smoke billows out and fills the whole surrounding block. I'm just curious if anybody knows what they use? It doesn't smell or look...
  6. js85

    Do you think men and women get treated differently in the law?

    You always hear about people saying that women get off easier, but I think that's changing a lot these days. Women are just as capable of domestic violence as they are being a victim, and I hope it's being brought to light that they don't deserve special treatment just because they're a woman.
  7. js85

    Presence in hospital

    I know. I'm not asking specific details, I wouldn't do that knowing there's such thing as privacy. I'm asking this forum, meant for asking police officers things, if it's normal to have a heavy presence in a hospital or not.
  8. js85

    Do you still go to the cinema? How often?

    I honestly haven't gone for over a year now. Maybe a year and a half. It's expensive, but I do like going when it's a good theatrical movie with extensive sounds and visuals. There haven't been many of them that I want to see, so I haven't gone lately.
  9. js85

    Working From Home

    I like doing surveys for extra cash, like on Amazon mTurk. It always helps to know I have $10 sitting online if I need it, for a little extra boost in my bank. It's not enough to make a living on, but it sure helps me when I'm living check-to-check.
  10. js85

    Charity Work

    I'd also be interested to know if they're "required" to, or if they do for another reason. Maybe it looks good in their file, or just because they're already involved with the community and want to give extra support.
  11. js85

    Who manetanes the vehicles?

    Our cops have switched to Fords. Some still use the Crown Vic, but I see way more Ford Escapes around. They look really menacing, and they're QUICK!
  12. js85

    Presence in hospital

    We have two hospitals in our city, but neither are the "main"/major one. At first I did think maybe there was an incident involving a police officer, but I didn't see them sticking around one room, just kind of wandering. There was an incident with a man in the ER who was yelling, then he was...
  13. js85

    Teaching Youth About Gun Safety

    I don't think there's any specific age to teach, so I hope you don't get any flack for teaching young kids about guns, but I think the most important thing to learn is RESPECT! Once a child displays respect, they're ready to learn gun safety. :)
  14. js85

    Who manetanes the vehicles?

    In my city, they have specific shops and mechanics affiliated with the force who take care of their vehicles.
  15. js85

    What helps you sleep at night?

    I usually watch YouTube videos or read before falling asleep. I know you're not supposed to use a screen or bright light before going to sleep, but it puts me right out.
  16. js85

    What is the best way to make popcorn?

    I just get the basic bag popcorn. Extra butter!
  17. js85

    Any Black Friday shoppers out there?

    I have never gone. I do online shopping mostly, but I have no use to fight for things in person. To begin with, I don't have many people to shop for, and who I do shop for don't need anything that are massive deals like that. The only thing I have done on Black Friday was go to liquor stores for...
  18. js85

    What's the story behind YOUR username?

    My initials and year of birth -- I'm boring! Haha.
  19. js85

    Is it *FUN*?

    I mean.. I'm sure there are some really difficult, stressful, awful moments - actually, I'm sure those are more than the alternative. But is it just genuine fun? I think it would be, in a weird way, to be able to see so many different stories of people I meet and things I see.
  20. js85

    Inter agency relationship

    I'm sure whenever you get a group of any type of people together, no matter how much you share, there will be strife and disagreements. Hopefully they can unite under the idea that they're there to uphold the law, but I'm sure there are things that just can't be worked out and only agree to...