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  1. headmaster

    This is better than TruTV

    As much as I enjoy the debates on this forum, it always breaks my heart to see the amount of suffering and death children undergo at the hands of adults, usually their own parents. Watching it on TV can be dismissed as fiction, but here it is the real McCoy.
  2. headmaster

    Legalize Prostitution?

    Its the same way I feel about drugs like marijuana. Prostitution should be legalized and regulated. There would be far less crime related to this vices and less pain and suffering.
  3. headmaster

    Man Attacks Woman For Finding Her Different From Online Profile

    Just goes to show the risk involved in dating online. The woman can be termed as a deceiver for maybe posting fake pictures of herself online, but she is lucky that the guy was not completely psycho. He could have done worse to her.
  4. headmaster

    Man Accused Of Sex With Pet Dog

    Sex should only be between two or more consenting adults. Consenting is the key word here. An animal does not have the ability to voice its wishes in such matters, hence such acts are a form of abuse (rape).
  5. headmaster

    Pastor Resigns After Prostitution Arrest

    People need to learn that human beings will remain exactly that - full of hypocrisy and lies. How do you trust anybody who shouts out loudly that not only are they better than you, but that you also need them to be 'saved'? Religion has been used to brainwash the masses for too long.
  6. headmaster

    Man Beheads Mother Before Jumping in Front of Train

    Sounds like the old story of Methamphetamine here. Although most drugs like cocaine and especially heroin are horrible, meth is in a class of its own, from users eating other peoples faces to this. The world needs to sit up to this relatively new man-made horror.
  7. headmaster

    FL Woman Spreads Mothballs On Driveway

    That situation sounds both like a health hazard and 'neighbor from hell' situation. We are social creatures who live in cities quite close to each other and if everybody did what they thought was right without restriction, there would be anarchy. I feel for her neighbors and something should be...
  8. headmaster

    Woman Doused Boyfriend, Set Him On Fire

    Lock her up in a mental institution and throw away the key. She is definitely a menace and danger to society.
  9. headmaster

    Esquire deems Scarlett Johansson the sexiest woman alive

    I fully concur with them. She is the epitome of beauty and gracefulness. The movie 'Lucy' is her best work so far.
  10. headmaster

    Escaped Python Kills 2 Boys

    Who keeps such a dangerous animal as a pet? There should be laws against this kind of thing.
  11. headmaster

    Woman Steals Foul Ball From Little Girl

    This video always makes me sad when I see the little girl's face. That woman has failed the human race. At least the little girl got a consolation.
  12. headmaster

    Wife hires hitman to kill husband

    She must be some kind of sociopath. She shows no remorse for her evil deeds. Lock her up and throw away the key.
  13. headmaster

    Funniest things you have heard a Police Officer Say

    This cops have got to be the biggest joke of all. Hearing them speak on TV is amusing ad sad at the same time. One of them is the Inspector General of police.
  14. headmaster

    Favorite TV Cop

    I love the German TV series 'Derrick'. He always kept a cool demeanor whatever the situation was. Derrick (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  15. headmaster

    Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

    I would go wild in any well stocked electronics store but a supercar showroom would be a bigger dent-maker.
  16. headmaster

    If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?

    It would be a difficult choice between my two favorite scientists Albert Einstein and Leornardo Da Vinci. Mr. Einstein would eventually win but it would take a very long lunch just to be able to get him to explain his process of ‘thought experiments’.
  17. headmaster

    Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?

    I recently came across a copy of all three stanzas of our national anthem. I was shocked to realize that I only knew the words to the first stanza and could barely remember the other two. When I was in school we used to sing the complete anthem in two different languages.
  18. headmaster

    Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?

    When I was younger my undying need was to sky dive. I even attempted as a kid to jump off a tree using an improvised parachute and the results were disastrous to say the least.
  19. headmaster

    If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what

    The main things I would want to change are poverty with its underlying effects like hunger, and world conflicts like the ongoing civil war in Syria. Basic needs like food, shelter and education is of paramount importance with peace and mediation in the world being icing on the cake.
  20. headmaster

    If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

    I have been watching friends and relatives grow old and all they complain about is old age afflictions. If current trends in technology are anything to go by, I would invest in medical technologies like the ones that aim to cure Alzheimer’s disease or replace worn out body parts.