Recent content by askanison

  1. askanison

    Are prison movies accurate?

    I think it will depend on where you are put into prison at. I have read a few different peoples accounts of prison life and they say it is nowhere near as bad as you see in movies. I have also read the opposite and seen the same movies you have so I don't know who to believe. I just hope I never...
  2. askanison

    Do pimps ever get busted?

    Pimps are harder to prosecute because they don't get their hands dirty most of the time. They just wait for the girl to give them the money after they are done for the day and aren't there to get busted in the act of making any deals. Getting the girls to testify against them is sometimes hard...
  3. askanison

    Suspect Charged With Robbing His Grandmother

    Man that is bad when you are stealing from your grandma like that. He has to be on crack or be the lowest of lows to prey upon his own family members. Some people just aren't wired right and just think taking is better than actually working. I hope they find out what he is in for while he is in...
  4. askanison

    Pennsylvania Couple Charged With Murder

    I don't understand how a mother can sit by and watch someone brutally attack and abuse her own children. How do you even justify that to yourself? Even if she feared for her life in that moment she could have called the police or wait until he left and took her stuff and ran. If anyone I was...
  5. askanison

    Woman Allegedly Stole Visually Impaired Mans Car

    I kinda agree with everyone else here. While it was a bad thing to do it is by far way more tame than what I see in the news everyday. So she stole a guys car, big deal. The front page here has a couple that killed their 3 year old. That is way more cruel and cold than stealing a car. Theft...
  6. askanison

    Do you celebrate Halloween in your area?

    I love Halloween. We had a ton of kids tonight and gave out all our candy in about an hour and a half. We had a huge bowl full and two small pumpkins full of candy and went through it all pretty quickly. I have never seen so many princess Elsa's in my life. Frozen must be hugely popular with the...
  7. askanison

    Please step out of the vehicle

    Most times they want to go to the back or front of the car to avoid being hit by any passing vehicles on the highway. Many officers have been killed by getting hit by someone passing by too close. I would just do what the officer asked and not give him any reason to tazer or mace you. You can...
  8. askanison

    What's wrong with people

    It's kind of hard to say anything about this video and be correct. We don't know the situation or why the girl was being detained. For all we know the cop is racist and trying to arrest her for nothing. The cop was smart enough to bring her to the front of the car at least where the camera could...
  9. askanison

    Man Attacks DC Officer With Ax

    This just sound like a crazy guy who needed to be shot. I agree that there does seem to be some concerted effort to try and take out officers on the beat lately. I think there may be some forces at work to undermined the police and instill some fear in the general public.
  10. askanison

    The Central Park Five

    This is why all older cases like this should be reopened and any DNA evidence should be tested. I bet there are tons of poor men and women sitting in prison that never committed a crime, but were railroaded into a confession and sentenced to hard time. It's sad that only the well publicized...
  11. askanison

    Serial Killer From Your Own Area

    No serial killers near me, but there were a couple of attacks in our area that turned out to be one crazy guy that lived in the area. He had tried to kidnap a few different teen girls walking home late at night. His fifth try got him beat up by the kids dad who was at home and saw the incident...
  12. askanison

    If you see something, do you say something?

    That is hilarious! I have called the cops on teens and suspicious people wandering through our neighborhood before. We caught one guy who turned out to be a wanted felon casing houses around the neighborhood to later rob. Other than that I will call highway patrol when someone is driving crazy...
  13. askanison

    Small Plane Crashes at Kansas Airport

    Brad Crisp, that name for a fireman is just epic. I am sorry people were killed in this horrible accident, but also happy that the news didn't freak out and report terror acts or something crazy. I first saw the news of it on Yahoo news and followed it until they reported finally that it was a...
  14. askanison

    Legalize Prostitution?

    That will never happen state wide. Women and feminists would throw a hissy fit. Marriage rates would plummet and divorces would rise to an all time high. Why put up with a woman nagging you when you can go get what you want and need anytime you want, then go home worry free. It would be better...
  15. askanison

    Do you gamble?

    I worked as a deal in a casino for 14 years and saw what gambling can do to you. I saw people with wealth and status play it all away and end up broke over a few years period. I was at work one night when a guy next door to us jumped off the roof of the Casino across the street because he had...